The Process to Profit

Numbers don’t lie. In fact, they tell a very positive truth. In the last few years, we have successfully settled with hundreds of seniors, providing them with newfound financial independence and economic freedom in their retirement stage. Even with term life insurance policies that carry no surrender value at all, Secure Life Settlements has helped viable policyholders cash in on their policies.

Case study #1

Male, Age 82
Policy Type: Universal
Face Amount: $2,000,000
Annual Premium: $210,009
Cash Surrender Value: $20,701
Life Settlement: $450,000

Case study #2

Female, Age 84
Policy Type: Universal
Face Amount: $2,500,000
Annual Premium: $127,676
Cash Surrender Value: $7,459
Life Settlement: $280,000

Case study #3

Female, Age 77
Policy Type: Universal
Face Amount: $20,000,000
Annual Premium: $622,113
Cash Surrender Value: $37,734
Life Settlement: $2,000,000

Case study #4

Male, Age 79
Policy Type: Universal
Face Amount: $300,000
Annual Premium: $18,000
Cash Surrender Value: $0
Life Settlement: $30,000

No matter your age, no matter your policy arrangement, and no matter your premium or face amounts – Secure Life Settlements has the combination of resources, market reach, industry expertise, and problemsolving acumen to get you out of a binding policy with ease and maximum payout.

It is worthy to note that not every policy is guaranteed to be of settlement interest on the secondary life insurance market. While there are general guidelines to quality, we exhaust every avenue and every possibility to help our clients find a way to cash in the policy they have. Even if you have doubts about your policy, we encourage you contact us for anobligation-free consultation.